Candy Cane Day- Wear red/white apparel and accessories
Basketball- Home
Homework Helpers- Anderson
Holiday Spirit-Ugly sweaters are encouraged, but any holiday gear will do! Hats and glove
Homework Helpers- Rauh
Scrooge Day-Dress like the past or the future
Basketball- home
Homework Helpers- McCaig
Character Day-Winter/Holiday & Disney are encouraged, but other characters are welcome!
Homework Helpers- McCaig
Pajama Day- wear your cozy pj's to get ready for Winter break!
Homework Helpers- Canceled due to break. Enjoy!!
Looking Ahead...
January 3- School resumes
January 7 Cedar Point payment due- 8th grade
January 12- 1/2 day
January 13- Lockdown drill
January 17- No school MLK Day
January 21- 1/2 day all schools end of 1st semester
January 27- Staff meeting
February 3- 1/2 day Parent/Teacher conferences
- Masks are mandatory
- ParentConnect- it is best to go through the D7 website- https://www. - Please be sure to check Parent/Student Connect weekly if not more.
- You must be present for at least a 1/2 day to participate in after school activities